Groups are an incredibly useful way of creating teaching groups for your next session, or highlighting specific responses to your students (they can see groups too). Try grouping a set of great responses and ask your students to comment on each of them to start some conversations.
- Select the activity you wish to using the grouping function for.
- Tick the checkbox marked "Select" on the student responses you wish to group. Once at least one student response has been ticked/selected, the "Group" option at the top of the responses will become highlighted and available for selection.
- Once you have ticked the desired responses, click "Group"
- In the pop up box, you can either create a custom group name, or leave it blank. The default options will name the groups by colour. eg, Red Group, Green Group etc.
You may also combine groups to form larger groups, or ungroup students if required.
If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please click here to create a support ticket.
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