Creating a student reflection is an incredibly quick and effective way to collect valuable feedback from your students.
- Log in with your teacher account. Your dashboard will be displayed.
- From the menu options, select the "Classes" tile.
- Select the desired class.
- Click the yellow "Plus Sign" button to display the options, "Create Student Reflection" and "Create Activity". Select "Create Student Reflection"
- Enter your desired learning objective and custom prompt and then select the class (or classes) you would like to deliver the reflection to. The form will select your existing class by default as the destination, you may add as many additional classes as you require.
- When you've entered your desired details, click the "Create " button. You will be returned to your class detail page and a notification will be displayed briefly to show you the reflection was created successfully.
If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please click here to create a support ticket.
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